Fitness Miracle

Killer Legs and Butt Workout

With this workout you will get a perfect legs and beautiful round butt. Some of the exercises are pretty challenging, but I will give you some notes on how to do this exercise. Challenging yourself with a new exercise will get you more motivated and fun during the workout.
For this workout do 3-5 rounds.
      1. Squat with barbell - 20 reps
      This exercise mostly target your glutes, quadriceps, hamstring and calves. Is great exercise to strengthen and shape your legs and butt. If you are a beginner or you have some back or knee pain do this exercise without weight. How to do it: Place the barbell on top of your back. Stand slightly wider than shoulder and with your toes slightly pointed out. Keep your head up and look straight ahead at all times, as looking down will put you off balance. This is your starting position. Slowly bend your knee to a 90-degree angle and rise back up with squeezing your glutes in the end.

      Notes*: Beginners do a regular squat without weight, make sure your form is right. The back is straight and abs squeezed during squatting.
      2. Jump Lunges - 20 reps
      With this exercise in the same time you will burn lot of calories and build your quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings. Is a great exercise to tone your legs and burn fat. How to do it: Start in the standing position with your left foot slightly in front of your right. Lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. With your core engaged, push off the bottom of both feet into a jump, switching the position of your feet in midair, landing in a basic lunge with your right leg in front. Without rest, repeat this movement 20 times.

      Notes*: If you struggle with this exercise, please do a regular front lunges.

      3. Ninja Jumps - 10 reps
      This is a powerful and advanced exercise, mostly will build your quadriceps and glutes. How to do it: Place the knees on the ground and sit down on your feet, arms hang down at the sides, upper body is upright. Move the arms back to gain momentum while raising the arms quickly and pushing the hip forward, jump onto the feet explosively and land in a low squat position. Go back onto the knees and repeat.

      Notes*: Place your hands on your ground and then jump from your knees in the squat position. Return in the starting position and do again.
      4. Reverse lunge hops - 10 reps each leg
      During this exercise you feel a burn in the gluteus, that means you really work your butt, but also work the other leg muscles. How to do it: Position yourself in a lunge with your right leg back. Swing your right leg forward hopping onto your left foot and return back down into a lunge position. Make sure to keep your core engaged at all times, this helps you to keep your chest lifted and not fall forward. Also keep your knee in line with your toes.

      *Notes: if this exercise is too challenging do it without the hop.

      5. Sumo Squat - 20 reps
      The sumo squat is one of the best exercises to shape the glutes and inner thighs. How to do it: Start with your feet in a wide stance with your toes turned out and your hips tucked under. Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle and rise back up.

      6. One leg squat -10 reps alternating legs
      One-legged squats work the same primary muscle groups used for running, including the hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus maximus and calves. This exercise can promote better balance, coordination and speed for running and other athletic activities. How to do it: From the standing position lift your left leg in front of you and find your balance with keep your arms in front. This is your starting position. Lower down slowly into the squat down on your right leg and back up into starting position. Do this exercise alternating with both legs.

      *Notes: Do this exercise with chair behind you, try to seat on the chair and back up into starting position.

Burn your belly fat!

With this workout you will burn tons of calories for short period of time. It is a metabolic workout with combination of cardio and abs exercise. Burn your belly fat and build your ab muscles. It is intense, but really effective training.


This workout contains two parts, cardio and abs. You can go two times across this workout and will have great 30 minutes training. For this training you will need only interval timer.

Part 1:

For this part, set your interval timer 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest for 10 rounds and lets begin
  • Jump twist

    Stand with your feet together. Bring your arms to shoulder height and touch your hands together in front of you. Keep your upper body facing forward the whole time. Jump up 3-4 inches off the ground and rotate your feet to the right. As soon as you land, jump up again and rotate your feet to the left this time. Alternate back and forth during 50 seconds.

  • High knees

    Start in the standing position and begin jogging, lifting the knees high enough for your comfort level. Then lift your knees to hip level but keep the core tight to support your back. In advanced version, hold your hands straight at hip level and try to touch the knees to your hands. Make sure to bring the knees towards your hands instead of reaching the hands to the knees!

  • Lie down burpee

    Ashley Horner
    Squat and place your hands on the floor. Jump feet back into a plank position. Drop to the floor and do a push up. Jump back with a feet into a squat. Jump up, reaching your hands overhead. Make many reps as you can during 50 second.

  • Shadow boxing

    Shadow boxing is the act of punching into the air, usually without an opponent, as exercise. Punching the air for a number of minutes requires almost no equipment and is an excellent aerobic workout, which is great for your heart, lungs and muscles. In this exercise you can do whatever punch do you like, but in our case we will do two straight punch and one uppercut. Make sure the first straight punch is with right arm repeat the same with left and finish with a uppercut right arm. Do the same, beginning with left arm.
  • Swings

    Stand over the kettlebell with feet hip-width apart, chest up, shoulders back and down. Squatting down and grab the kettlebell with both hands wrapped around the handle with a tight grip. Bend your knees and swing your arms out until the kettlebell reaches shoulder height and squeeze your glutes. Swing the kettlebell back down to where your knees are slightly bent and the kettlebell swings in between your legs past your knees. Repeat this movement during 50 seconds.

Part 2:

For the second part keep the same interval, but only 5 rounds
  • V sit ups

    Lie flat on the floor with the lower back pressed into the ground and arms extended behind your ears. In one movement lift the legs up keeping them straight and raise the upper body of the floor reaching for the toes with your hands. Engage and squeeze the abdominal muscles as you reach for your toes. Slowly lower the body back down to the starting position.

  • Plank hip twist

    Get into forearm plank position, with shoulders directly over elbows. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels. Keeping your core tight
, rotate your torso as you drop your left hip to the ground. In a controlled motion, 
rotate your torso to the opposite side, dropping your right hip to the floor.Repeat this movement many reps you can during 50 seconds.

  • Bicycle Crunches

    Begin by lying on your back, placing your hands behind your ears. Lift your legs in the air and bend your knees so that your legs form a 90 degree angle. Move your legs in a bicycle motion and when your left knee is closer to your body, reach your right elbow and touch it. Repeat the same with other elbow/knee. Do as many you can for 50 seconds.

  • Plank walks

    Begin in plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders, and your body in one straight line. Simultaneously cross your right hand toward the left hand as you step with your left foot out to the left. Then simultaneously step your left hand and right foot to the left, returning to the plank position. Your hands move together as your feet step apart. Take two more steps in this direction, keeping your abs pulled toward your spine and your pelvis level. This completes one rep. Repeat this exercise for 50 seconds.
  • Leg raises

    Lie flat on the floor (on a mat) place your arms out to the side on the floor with your palms facing down. Make sure that your head, legs and bottom are all in contact with the floor. Engage your ab muscles and grasp the sides. Slowly lift your legs to a 90 degree angle, keeping your legs straight and not bending at the knees. Pause for a second then slowly lower the legs back down.

Star Jumps

This is so powerful and advanced movement, which help you to build mostly your lower body and explosivity. It is a cardiovascular exercise and is used for endurance, to lose weight and to improve your jumping ability. Star jumps strengthen your deltoids, the large muscles at the top curve of your shoulders, and the trapezius muscles between your shoulders and neck. They also work all your major leg muscles, including hamstrings, quadriceps, abductors, adductors and calves.

Regular version:

Step1: Begin in a relaxed stance with your feet together. Bend at the knees and hips and bring your hands on the floor. This is a starting position.

Step2: Explode up and outwards with both your legs and arms - your body will look like a star from the front.

Step3: As you reach the top of the motion quickly gather both your arms and legs, and bring them back together before you land.

Step4: Land on the toes with your torso forward and quickly repeat the movement.

Modification version (for beginners):

For the modification you can make regular jumping jacks or two regular jumping jacks with one explode jacks.

Step1: Begin in a relaxed stance with your feet together. This is a starting position.

Step2: Bend the knees then jump and at the same time spreading your arms and legs simultaneously. Have your arms lifted to reach the ears and also open the feet wider than your shoulders’ width. Make this two times with fast movement.

Step3: Third time bend the knees little bit more and explode up outwards with both your legs and arms

Step4:Land with bent knees and quickly repeat the movement

Push ups

Push ups is a common conditioning exercise, which is used to build upper body strength. Push ups primarily work the abdominals, deltoids, the pectoralis and the triceps.

Regular version:

Step1: Start on all fours with the hands on the floor slightly wider than, but in line with the shoulders

Step2: The body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles

Step3: Squeeze the abs as tight as possible and keep them engaged

Step4: Lower the body until the chest nearly touches the floor, making sure that the elbows are tucked in close to the torso

Step5: Pause for a moment then push yourself back to the starting position

Modification version (for beginners):

Step1: Start with knees and palms on the floor, the elbows slightly wider from shoulders

Step2: The body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the knees

Step3: Squeeze the abs as tight as possible and keep them engaged

Step4: Lower the body until the chest nearly touches the floor, making sure that the elbows are tucked in close to the torso

Step5: Pause for a moment then push yourself back to the starting position

How one healthy and active day should look like!

This is not some pattern how one healthy and active day should look like, this is only a guideline on how to get some ideas and incorporate in your daily routine. Researching through the years build your healthy and active lifestyle .

1. Start your day with big glass water

Benefits of glass of water in the morning, soon as you wake up are great. Drinking water on an empty stomach purifies the colon making it easier to absorb nutrients. Increases the production of new blood and muscle cells. Drinking at least 0.5 liters of chilled water can boost your metabolism by 25% in the morning. Water helps to purge toxins from the blood which help keeps your skin glowing and clear. Balances your lymph system. These glands help you perform your daily functions, balance your body fluids, and fight infection.

2. Morning Yoga or Stretching

The American College of Sports Medicine, however, suggests that certain types of exercise (such as stretching) can be especially effective in the early morning hours. All you need is an extra few minutes.

Yoga or stretching helps you wake up better than cup of coffee in the morning. Relaxes your muscles from sleep in the same position. Prevents injury and achiness throughout the day. Prevents effect against depression and anxiety disorders.

3. Breakfast for energy

Breakfast is most important meal in the day. This is a first real energy for your body. It should be plentiful meal, with good source of carbohydrates %50, proteins %30 and good fats %20. Some epidemiological research indicates that having a breakfast might lower risk of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases. People who want to lose weight, should not skip breakfast.

4. Proteins and veggies for lunch

Lunch is the second most important meal in the day. For the lunch on your plate it should have one piece of meat or fish like protein, some tip of complex carbohydrates like peas, beans, whole grains, and vegetables.
Our bodies need protein from the foods we eat to build and maintain bones, muscles and skin. Proteins from meat and other animal products are complete proteins. This means they supply all of the amino acids the body can't make on its own. Plant proteins are incomplete. You must combine different types of plant proteins to get all of the amino acids your body needs.

Complex carbohydrate foods provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are important to the health of an individual. The majority of carbohydrates should come from complex carbohydrates (starches) and naturally occurring sugars, rather than processed or refined sugars, which do not have the vitamins, minerals, and fibers found in complex and natural carbohydrates.

5. Do not skip your workout

Workout on daily basis make you active and healthy person. The daily working out especialy, is recommended for people who seat 8 hours behind working desk. This is not mean that you must workout every single day. Make your weekly workout schedule and you are ready to become active person. Start for somewhere, on the beginning you can start to working out 15 minute 4 times a week and in the short period of time you will increase your minute or weekly times of working out. Make sure you have find the right activity for you, activity which make you happy and keep motivate. For better motivation I recommended to work in pairs or to work some group activities like running with friends, going to yoga or pilates etc.

6. Reward yourself

Sometime is good to reward yourself with slice of pizza, your favorite fast food or ice cream. You can make this once a week, otherwise make sure you eat healthy and balanced meals or snack. If you want to lose weight, take your sweet treats once in two weeks. Your favourite food you can still eat every day, but in some healthier version. On internet you can find lot of recipe of healthy pizza or ice cream. Experiment with your food and I am sure you will find the best healthy recipe for your favorite food.

7. Easy, Low-Fat Dinner

For the dinner go with something easy and low fat like salad with chicken meat, integral pasta with veggies and mushrooms or fish with steamed veggies. This type of dinner will help you to fall asleep faster and easier. The best time for dinner is between 7 pm and 8 pm, especialy for people who wants to lose weight. Do not eat after 10 pm. If you are hungry after 10 pm go only with fresh salad without dressing. Do not go with dinner with lot of carbohydrates, because all energy you get from carbohydrates your body will store like fat.

8. Go to sleep early

Important for active person is to go asleep by midnight, this doesn’t mean you must stay up to midnight. Going to sleep as early as 10 pm directly leads to being relaxed and fast asleep by midnight. This will help you to have more energy throughout the day. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more. Increase your muscle mass and keep your body fit. Seven or eight hour of night sleep is enough to grab your day and be active.

Through basic exercise to perfect and active body

Perfect body is not something you can see in magazine, it is a body that make you to be more confident ,feel healthy and strong. Sometime is not necessary to make "special exercise" to reach your fitness goals, only with little changing on basic exercise you can achieve that. The basic exercise is the first step for the beginners to be active.


Before each workout make sure you are nicely warm up and stretch. Repeat this workout 4 times.

  • Squat - Advance: 50 reps | Beginner: 20 reps

    This exercise most works your quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings. It is a best exercise to tone your legs and butt. When you doing this exercise make sure that abs are tight and back is straight.
    How to do (beginner):
    Stand in the straight position with feet shoulder width apart. Begin the movement by flexing your knees and hips, sitting back with your hips. Reverse the movement and squeeze your butt.
    Make it fun (advance):
    You can make more fun this exercise with jump after squat down, with this you burn more calories.

  • Push up - Advance: 30 reps | Beginner: 10 reps

    Push ups work your muscle in upper body section,like pectoralis major, anterior deltoids and triceps. It help you to have better posture and reduce back pain after work hours on the chair.
    How to do (beginner):
    Start on all fours with the hands on the floor slightly wider than but in line with the shoulders. The body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles. Squeeze the abs as tight as possible and keep them engaged. Lower the body until the chest nearly touches the floor, making sure that the elbows are tucked in close to the torso. Pause for a moment then push yourself back to the starting position.
    Make it fun (advance):
    With adding a resistance band you can increase your strength. I personally love to do push ups with resistance band.

  • Back lunges - Advance: 25 reps | Beginner: 15 reps each leg

    If you are looking to defined butt and strong legs, back lunge exercise is for you. This exercise is also good to improve your balance. Mostly working muscles are glutes, quads and hamstrings. Lunge exercises it should be a part of each legs training , in all its variations.
    How to do (beginner):
    With hands on your hips stand on both legs. This will be your starting position. Go back in to the lunge. Reverse the movement and go back in the starting position. First do all reps on one leg and then change the leg.
    Make it fun (advance):
    Take the dumbbell and involve every muscle in your body. Stand with your feet together, holding the weights at your shoulders with your palms facing out. Go back in to the lunge. Push off your left foot, bringing your left knee forward so it is even with your left hip while raising your arms above your head.

  • Triceps dips - Advance: 30 reps | Beginner: 10 reps

    Triceps dip exercise helps you to have nicely toned and strong arms. Mostly works on your triceps muscles, also pectoralis major and anconeus muscles.
    How to do (beginner):
    Position your hands shoulder-width apart on a chair. Slide your butt off the front of the chair with your legs bent knee in front of you. Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at about a 90-degree angle. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the chair to straighten your elbows, returning to the starting position.
    Make it fun (advance):
    To make this exercise much more harder add feet on other chair. After this exercise I guarantee you will feel your triceps.

  • Sit ups - Advance: 50 reps | Beginner: 25 reps

    Sit ups is designed to define and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Strengthened in a abdominal area is so important for our body, because every body movement engage the abs.
    How to do (beginner):
    Have your knees bent and the balls of your feet and heels placed flat on the ground.Place your hands behind your head. Keeping your heels on the ground and your toes flat to the ground, slowly and gently lift your head first, followed by your shoulder blades. Return in the starting position.
    Make it fun (advance):
    With adding cross punch you can work the obliques and make it fun. Who do not want shaped and small waist? ;)

Tabata training

Tabata is high-intensity interval training, which usually is used for improvement of your cardio performance and strength ability. The concept of this training is 20 second of work with high intensity and 10 second of rest for 4 minutes. In one session of 4 minutes doing the same exercise. This type of training is for people who have advanced level of fitness, but with little modification we can make for people with different fitness level.

My tabata workout!

For this workout you will need interval timer set up on 20 second work and 10 second rest 8 rounds.

The advanced players will be doing one exercise during 4 minute and after that other exercise for 4 minute and go with same effort to the last exercise. Between each session doing 2 minute rest and stretching.

For the beginners, please make sure you do the modifications for each exercises. You will do one exercise during 20 sec and go on the other exercise for the other 20 sec. During one session you will doing 2 rounds of these exercises. I recommend only 2 sessions for the beginners, that is 8 minutes total. Between each session doing 2 minute rest and stretching.

  • Surfer squats


    Step 1: Squat down in a position that’s similar to how surfer’s stand on a surf board so your left leg is in front of your right, arms are extended and parallel to the floor.
    Step 2: Squat down then jump up and turn to the left landing with your right leg in front of your left. Repeat this movement many reps you can during 20 seconds


    The beginner version is pretty much the same, but without jumping.The same start position (like step 1), only go in the regular squat down then go up and switch the side with changing the legs.

  • Dive bombers


    Step 1: Begin with your hands and feet on the floor and your hips raised, so your body forms an inverted V.
    Step 2: Lower your shoulders, then slide your chest forward, bringing it between your hands and up toward the ceiling.
    Step 3: Keep hands 2 to 3 inches wider than your shoulders and your knees and hips 2 to 3 inches off the floor.
    Step 4: Reverse the move, bringing your hips back toward the ceiling.


    Beginners may perform this exercise by putting their knees on the floor and performing the exercise only by the movement of their upper body.

  • Jab cross punch


    Step 1: Stand with right foot forward, elbows bent “on guard” in front of ribs, and hands in fists.
    Step 2: Throw a jab punch by extending right arm out, turning palm toward the floor, then immediately drawing elbow back into guard.
    Step 3: Throw a cross punch by extending left arm forward, turning palm toward the floor, rotating left hip into punch, and lifting left heel off the floor.
    Step 4: Return to starting position.

    After 20 second change the side and repeat with left foot forward and using opposite arms.


    Beginners go to the same steps, but with slower effort. Concentrated to do exercise right.

  • Plank twist


    Step 1: Get into forearm plank position, with shoulders directly over elbows. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels.
    Step 2: Keeping your core tight
, rotate your torso as you drop your left hip to the ground.
    Step 3: In a controlled motion, 
rotate your torso to the opposite side, dropping your right hip to the floor.Repeat this movement many reps you can during 20 seconds


    Beginners version is regular plank position without twisting.

Crossfit workout

Hi everybody this workout is pretty intense, but is great sometimes to have really challenging workout. I personally love intense workout and doing more advanced movement.

This is my advanced Crossfit workout:

Before this workout make sure you are nicely warm up to prevent any injury, ten minutes warm up is great for this workout. I did four rounds of this workout, you can do less or more depending of your fitness level. For beginner I recommended only two rounds.

  • Push up - 30 reps

    Step1: Start on all fours with the hands on the floor slightly wider than but in line with the shoulders

    Step2: The body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles

    Step3: Squeeze the abs as tight as possible and keep them engaged

    Step4: Lower the body until the chest nearly touches the floor, making sure that the elbows are tucked in close to the torso

    Step5: Pause for a moment then push yourself back to the starting position

    *Note for beginner: If you are beginner, drop knee on the floor and do 20 reps of this exercise.

  • Sit ups - 40 reps

    Step1: Lie on your back with your knees bent and you feet flat on the floor. Place your finger tips behind your ears. Pull your shoulder blades back so your elbows are out to the side.

    Step2: Brace your abs and then raise your body up towards your knees, shoulders should be lifted of the floor.

    Step3: Head always looking straight, no chin on chest and do not pull the head forward.

    Step3: Roll back down to the starting position.

    *Note for beginner: For beginners do only 20 reps.

  • Squats with barbell - 30 reps

    Step1: Begin with the barbell supported on top of the traps. The chest should be up and the head facing forward.

    Step2: Descend by flexing the knees, refraining from moving the hips back as much as possible. This requires that the knees travel forward. Ensure that they stay align with the feet. The goal is to keep the torso as upright as possible.

    Step3: Continue all the way down, keeping the weight on the front of the heel. At the moment the upper legs contact the lower legs reverse the motion, driving the weight upward.

    I did this exercise with 30 lbs weight barbell, you can do without weight or bigger weight depending of your fitness level.

    *Note for beginner: For beginners do regular squats or with barbell without weight.

  • Handstand push up - 5 reps

    Step1: Hand placement: place hands about 6-12 inches away from the wall and slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Make sure palms are facing forward, or slightly turned out 5-10 degrees.

    Step2: Kick up into a handstand, with your heels touching the wall.

    Step3: Once you have kicked up, establish a strong, rigid midline position.

    Step4: While maintaining this position, lower yourself until the top of your head touches the floor.Try to keep your elbows at a 45 degree angle as you lower.

    Step5: Once your head touches the floor, press up with the same tightness you had lowering yourself, until your elbows reach full extension.

    *Note for beginner: For beginners I recommended other exercise Pike Push-Up.

  • Double unders or Basic jump rope - 1min

    *Note for beginner: For beginners do basic jump rope or only jumps with invisible rope.